Thursday, December 11, 2008

Channel One News 12/11/08


15 billion that is a lot they should use it for different cars instead of using it in another country.


That is a long name they really messed that place up in India with that huge fire on the nice hotel.


this guy got arrested for trying to auction it off for the Obama family he is Greedy.

Google Search

love and how to kiss what is wrong with people they are stupid.s


that is really weird names Freddie Mac and Fannie they buy mortgages and then they started handing out loans which put them under and out of business.Big debt congress was mad about that!


What the heck banks in school why do need one of these it is kinda of weird. I guess its okay to teach them to handle money and lots of schools are doing it. I9t is important in this time.

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